Spray Tan

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It’s great to be able to tan in the sunshine but with the process being slow and risky it certainly isn’t for everyone. For many people, a spray tan is the preferred tanning method. When you consider the fact that there is no risk of burning and the sheer speed in which a spray tan can be delivered, you can see why.   Plus, there is a range of colours and shades to choose from, which means spray tanning can quickly create the ideal look for you pretty much at the touch of a button. With a spray tan, there is no need to put hours into tanning and there is no need to worry about white bits. Within minutes, you can have a glowing and beautiful tan before enjoying a night out or a special event.

At The Mega Tan Lounge, we provide a flawless and unmatched spray tan service. A lot of people assume that spray tanning is awkward, that there is a chance of ending up orange and darker than you would like. However, this isn’t the case. At The Mega Tan Lounge, we’re experienced and good at what we do. When you choose The Mega Tan Lounge for a spray tan, you are choosing the high-quality results. Simply, we have perfected the spray tan and our returning customers agree.


There are a lot of different spray tan technology options, but we focus our attention on a Mystic Tan system and with good reason. As well as creating a beautiful and stunning tan, it creates a tan that looks natural. The system itself is sophisticated and advanced, which is how we can provide some of the best spray tanning results. It’s not a case of having a handful of colours to choose from, as the entire spray

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